Mustache or Handlebars? Which Templating Engine Should You Use?
Templating engines are vital in web development as they separate the presentation layer from the business logic. This makes it easier to maintain and update web applications. Mustache and Handlebars are two popular templating engines that enable the creation of dynamic web pages. Both engines are easy to learn and use, and they offer a variety of features that make them well-suited for a wide range of applications. While both serve the same purpose, Mustache and Handlebars diverge in syntax, features, and community support. To better help choose the appropriate templating engine for your project, let’s delve into the similarities and differences between Mustache and Handlebars.
Created by Chris Wanstrath, Mustache is a simple templating language that that focuses on simplicity and portability. It’s based on the idea of “inverted-double-curly-braces” {{ }}, which are used to render data in a template. Mustache templates are very easy to read and write, and they can be used to create a wide variety of dynamic HTML. It promotes clean separation of concerns by keeping the logic out of the templates. For example, the following template uses the {{name}} tag to insert the value of the name property from an object:
Handlebars, on the other hand, is an extension of Mustache that adds additional features and flexibility while maintaining the simplicity of its parent engine. It provides a more expressive syntax by introducing features including conditionals, loops, and helpers. As an example, helpers are functions that can be used to perform complex tasks, such as formatting dates or generating links. The following example shows how to use a helper to format a date in Handlebars:
{{date myDate "MMM DD, YYYY"}}
The following table shows its feature and correlating syntax.
Choosing the Right Templating Engine:
So, which templating engine should you use? The choice between Mustache and Handlebars depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you are looking for a simple, lightweight, and logic-less templating engine that focuses on simplicity and portability, Mustache is a solid choice. It is well-suited for projects where complex logic is handled in the backend code. However, if you anticipate the need for more powerful templating engine with a wider range of features to handle dynamic data and complex logic directly, then Handlebars offers a powerful solution. The table below summarizes the key differences between Mustache and Handlebars.
Ultimately, the best templating engine for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Mustache and Handlebars are both excellent templating engines that cater to different needs. Mustache’s simplicity and portability make it a popular choice for those who prioritize separation of concerns and want a lightweight solution. Handlebars, on the other hand, provides additional features like helpers, block expressions, and partials, which enhance flexibility and enable more complex templating scenarios. If you are not sure which templating engine to use, I recommend starting with Mustache. It is a good choice for beginners and it is easy to learn. If you find that you need more features or flexibility, then you can always switch to Handlebars.